Enchanted Forest of the Mind | 2006 | Tacoma Community College


My work is about the lifecycle of ideas–following the circular path from origin to discussion, documentation in a text format, dissemination, and storage, to the resulting growth of a network of ideas, and then the return to the original idea (which may be refuted, discarded or sanctified). I use discarded library books and discarded foliage iconographically to address these themes–both the intellectual and natural materials have lived through a cycle. Although I use books, I’m interested in how digitized text, as well as text on paper, are the vehicles for the dissemination of ideas. Feel free to walk the paths and amongst the trees of this forest. Take time to sit on a stump and reflect upon networks of thought that have influenced you. Consider the fruits of knowledge that have affected you the most and the foundation of those ideas.

Date: Dec. 1 – Dec. 31, 2006

Location: The Gallery, Tacoma Community College